Pimlical Android Help

Memo Preferences

There are several preferences associated with the management and display of memos.

View Related Preferences

MemoSort controls how the list of memos is sorted. There are four  options:

MemoTextLines controls how many lines of text from the memo itself are displayed in the memo selection list. The default value is 3 for 3 lines of text.

MemoTitleColor specifies the color to be used for memo titles in the selection list. Default value is Blue.

MemoProtectedTitleColor specifies the color to be used for protected memo titles in the selection list. Default value is Maroon.

DefaultMemoCategory specifies the default category to put newly created memos in. The default value is Unfiled.

Display Font Preferences

MemoTitleFont - specifies the font to be used for displaying the titles of memos. The default value is Arial-Bold-18.

MemoTextFont - specifies the font to be used for displaying the text lines of the memo in the selection list. The default value is Arial-Plain-12.

MemoCategoryFont  - specifies the font to be used for displaying the category name and the last modification date/time. The default value is Arial-Bold-10.

MemoEditFont - specifies the font to be used for displaying text in the built-in text editor for memos. The default value is Arial-Plain-16. 

Memo Preferences Shared with Calendar Events

AutoCapitalizeEventTitle - this preference controls how both event titles and memo titles are handled by Pimlical. By default this preference is set to true, which will then autocapitalize each word of the title. If you do not like this behavior, set this preference to false.

ShowSoftInputKeyboard - this preference controls how the soft keyboard is displayed when the memo text is being handled by Pimlical's built-in text editor. If set to Always, the soft keyboard is always displayed. If set to Sometimes, the soft keyboard is displayed only when creating a new memo, otherwise it will be hidden. If set to Never, the soft keyboard is never displayed on entry to the editor. If the soft keyboard is not displayed, tapping in the edit field will pop up the keyboard and display the insert pointer. This preference also affects the handling of the soft keyboard when editing events.