Pimlical Android Help

Master Preference List

Pimlical/Android features a large number (needless to say, an often overwhelmingly large number for the new user!) of preference settings that control the display of items or the way in which the program operates. It is not necessary to know all these preferences as default values are picked that suit the needs of most users. But for power users, it's likely worthwhile to scan through all the preference settings quickly to get some measure of what items can be changed in the program. Note that the Find button can be used to quickly locate a preference by name.

As the program is updated, the Default values for SOME  preference settings may change from what is listed below. If you long press a preference in the preference list, it will always show you the DEFAULT setting for that preference for the specific version of Pimlical/Android you have installed on your phone.

View Related

Preference Name Type Default Description
StartupFilter string default Specify which filter is used when the program starts up (by name)
ListViewSkipEmptyHeaders boolean false If true, days that have no items will not display a header date
ShowAllTimeSlots boolean false set to true to display all timeslots for the day. If false, only time slots from the day start time to the day end time are displayed (although they will be extended to include the first and last event on the day if necessary).
TimesFromFirstToLastOnly boolean false If true, only time slots from the first appointment on the day to the last appointment on the day are displayed.
ShowTimesInMonthView boolean true If True, the time of appointments is displayed in the month and Multi-Month views.
ShowEndTimesInMonthView boolean false Set to true to display end times in the month and Month+ views.
SlotInterval int 5-480 60 Set how long each time slot is in the Day and Multi-Day views - in minutes
UseShortDescriptions boolean true If true, Pimlical will substitute the text in the Short Description field for the regular description when displaying this item in the Month and Multi-Month views. Use this to provide more informative descriptions when the space for text is very tight.
IncludeNote boolean true If there is room, include the text of the note in the day and multi-day views
IncludeLocation boolean true If there is room, include the location field for this item as well as the description (and possibly note).
IncludeCategory boolean false If there is room, include the category for this item as well as the description (and possibly note/location).
IncludeContactLink boolean true If there is room and a link present, include the name of the contact link in the day and multi-day views
shadedDates shadeddates 1 7Select days that will be shaded. RGB (Red-Green-Blue) specification is now defined by preference: ShadedDatesColor. This preference has either explicit days of the week (a single digit from 1-7, 1=Sun, 2=Mon...) and/or a range of days in a given month which consists of MMDD-MMDD, and/or a single MMDD setting to pick a single day of a month (in each year), and/or an explicit date in YYYYMMDD format, and/or an explicit date range in the form YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD. As an example: 1 7 0405-0420 0727 20150620-20150625
ShowInstanceDates boolean true If True, use instance date rather than start date for repeat events when displaying items in the Event Selection list
ShowAllRepeatsOnTasks boolean false If True, all future repeats of Tasks are displayed (normally only the next occurrence is displayed for tasks).
ShowDaysFromDueDate boolean true If True, tasks and floats will show the number of days to the Due date when the item is displayed.
InsertDaysFromDueDate boolean false If True, tasks and floats will have the number of days to the Due Date INSERTED into the start of the description field (this is useful if you want to see that information in Google calendar, etc.).
HideRepeatIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideAlarmIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideNoteIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideLocationIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideMeetingIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideLinkIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideFloatIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideStatusIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideGroupIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideWeblinkIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideTypeIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideLockIcon boolean false Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
HideTemplateIconbooleanfalse Set true to hide this system icon from display (default is to display this icon)
StrikethroughCompletedItems boolean true Set to false to avoid striking through completed items
ForceTasksToBeUntimed boolean false Set to true to make all tasks display as untimed and sort to top of list.
AlwaysShowTaskAdvances boolean true If true, all task advances are displayed. If false, they are only displayed in Today's schedule (when today comes in range of the advance).
UseShortTimeFormat boolean true Set to false to always displays hours and minutes in the Month and Month+ Views
ListViewHeaderPosition int -1 Position of List View Date header. -1 means center, otherwise positive value indents that number of pixels (0 = flush left).
HideUndefinedIcons boolean false Set true to hide undefined icons (which will display a question mark otherwise)
MaximumUserIconsToDisplay int 0-10 4 limits the number of icons displayed that are attached to an event to this number. 0 will hide all user icons.
OmitTimesInDayView boolean false Set to true to omit start times in the Day, Day+ and Weekly Views.
OmitEndTimesInDayView boolean false Set to true to omit end times in the Day View.
OmitEndTimesInWeekView boolean false Set to True to omit end times in the Weekly View
LockWeeklyViewToWeekStart boolean true Set to false to allow the start date in the weekly view to move by one day with [<], [>], Today and Tomorrow buttons
ShowIconsOnlyInMonthlyViews boolean false Set to true to hide all description text in the month view and only display icons (usually would only be used in very tight displays to just show icons instead).
StripEOLsForDisplay boolean true Set to false to preserve End Of Lines in description and note text when displaying in main views (if true - they are stripped out ).
IncludeDuration boolean false Set to true to include the duration of events in the Day/Day+ and List Views.
;ShowTasksInSeparateView boolean false Set to true to only display tasks in separate Tasks View (Future use)
DisplayNativeTimes boolean true set to false to avoid the display of the native time of an event in brackets after the display of the adjusted times (i.e. when handling timezone shifts).
HideItemsInDifferentMonth boolean false Set to true to hide items outside of the main month in the Month View.
LightenGoogleColor int -1 Amount to lighten the Google Calendar Colors by for use as a background color (0 = no lightening, 100+ is probably too much, -1 is auto-adjust and makes Pastel colors darker, -2 to -100 makes color darker)
UseBlackOnColorBackground boolean false Set to true to use Black text on the colored background (assumes that the background colors are very light and the normal White text gets washed out)
IconsOnWhiteBackground boolean false Set to True to have icons drawn on a white background in the main views.
AutoCapitalizeEventTitle boolean true Set to True to have the event title (Pimlico's Description field) auto-capitalize the first letter of each word.
ViewsToCycleThrough stringslist DayView| Day+View| WeekView| MonthView| Month+View|
FreeTime View|
Specify which views the left<->right gesture cycles through and the order in which those views appear. Tap Up/Down in selection list to select one item and move it up or down. At least two items must be selected to press the OK button.
ShowUrgencyFirst boolean false Set to true to display urgency before priority
;CustomFontScaleFactor int 10-1000 167 Percent Rescale factor for custom font-sizes coming from Pimlical Desktop - 12 point becomes 20 point for Android by default. A value of 100% would leave the pointsize unchanged.
This preference not used at this time.
ShortTimesInDayView boolean false If set true and timeslots start on hour boundary and have an integral number of hours as length, only the hour will be displayed, leaving more room for the display of text in the Day and Day+ views
DefaultSlotHeight int 0-500 0 Set to a value other than zero to fix the time slot height in pixels in the Day and Day+ views. A value of 0 tells Pimlical to dynamically adjust the slot height to avoid scrolling if at all possible.
MaxLinesInListView int 1-100 1 Maximum # of lines to display per entry in the list view - set to 100 to effectively display all lines for all items.
UseAlternateWeekView boolean false Set to true to use the alternate week view (7 equal days vertical) when only one week is selected.  Overrides setting of  UseThirdAlternateWeekView if true.
UseThirdAlternateWeekView boolean false Set to true to use third alternate week view (Mo-Tu | We-Th | Fr-ss instead of Mo-Th | Tu-Fr | We-ss ).
FreeTypeIndentsEvents boolean true Set to false to have free type events NOT indent overlapping events above it
ShowDownArrowInMonthViews boolean true Set to false to hide the small down arrow (indicating more events on that day) in the month and month+ views
ShowIconsOnlyInMultidayView boolean false if set to true, then only icons (no text) are displayed in the multi-day view.
FixNumberOfIconRows int 0-100 0 Override the number of displayed icon rows in portrait mode with this value. If set to 0, Pimlical calculates the number of rows based upon the screen height
FixNumberOfIconRowsLandscape int 0-100 0 Override the number of displayed icon rows in landscape mode with this value. If set to 0, Pimlical calculates the number of rows based upon the screen height
IconStartWithRecentListBooleanfalseSet to True to start display of icons with the recent list rather than page 1 (when no icon is selected).
SetDefaultTimedUntimed stringslist choose
In the Day/Day+ view a tap on a timeslot can either make all items timed ("timed") or untimed ("untimed") - or you can use "choose" in which case a tap on the timeslot in the Day/Day+ view forces an item to be preset to that time, while a tap outside of the timeslot sets the item to be untimed (in Day+ view, a tap anywhere on the timeslot makes item timed, while tap on untimed slot will make an event untimed).
IncludeDayOfWeekInEditDialog boolean false Set to true to have day of week inserted ahead of date in Edit Dialog.
SelectionListIconSize (int 5-200) 80 Default size of icons displayed in the Event SelectionList
SelectionListIconStatusSize (int 5-200)120Default size for left-most status icon in Event Selection List
IconDisplayWidth (int 5-400) 90 Default width of icons to display in icon selection dialog
IconDisplayHeight (int 5-400) 90 Default height of icons to display in icon selection dialog
ItemBorderThickness (int 0-100) 4 Default thickness for the border used around items in day/day+ views (larger value will make separation of overlapping items clearer).
FindUsesReverseOrder boolean false Set to True to display results of Find in reverse chronological order.
AutoScrollDayView (int 0-100) 0 A value of 0 disables autoscroll (normal behavior). Otherwise, a non-zero value automatically scrolls the display so if Today is being displayed, the current or NEXT item on the current day display will be displayed. A value of 1 puts it near the top of the screen, a value of 50 (percent) of the screen height would put it near the middle, while a value of 100% would put it at the bottom.
AutoScrollListView (int 0-100) 0 A value of 0 disables autoscroll (normal behavior). Otherwise, a non-zero value automatically scrolls the display so if Today is being displayed, the current or NEXT item on the current day display will be displayed. A value of 1 puts it near the top of the screen, a value of 50 (percent) of the screen height would put it near the middle, while a value of 100% would put it at the bottom.
MonthNumbersAtTopBooleantrueSet to true to put month numbers at top right, rather than bottom right. Note that when placed at top right, every cell loses space for text, so it's less efficient (but may be more familiar to have it there).
GridBorderThickness(int 0-100)2Default thickness for the grid border used in day+/week/month views (larger value will create thicker borders.
WidgetTransparency(int 0-100)20Transparency of background for Widget
WidgetTextRows(int 0-100)0Specify number of text rows to use in widget. 0 = try and calculate best value. If rows are clipped or another row might fit, you can force Pimlical to set that number of rows.
DefaultTasksViewFilter(Filter)Tasks_OnlySpecify which filter is used for the Tasks View
MaxLinesInTasksView(Int 1-100)1Maximum Number of lines to display in the Tasks View
MaxLinesInSelectionList(int 1-100)1Maximum Number of lines to display in the Event Selection List
HidePriorityUrgencyButtonsIfNotSet(boolean)trueSet to false to always show Priority/Urgency buttons in tasks View even if the priority or urgency of item is not set.
AnimateTodaysDateInteger40Set to 0 to turn off animation of locating today's date in a view other than the day View, otherwise the value is the number of animation steps in the fade-in sequence.
EMsInTabStopsInteger8Number of EMs in a tab field (for aesthetic spacing of tables in the Note field when using tab characters, for example).
FreeTimeStarttime540Start Time for Free Time (saved as minutes)
FreeTimeEndtime1020End Time for Free Time (saved as minutes)
FreeTimeWantedduration1hFree time to loo for in hours and minutes
OnlyUseContiguousFreeTimebooleanTrueSet to False to look at total free time available on that day
ShowIconsInFreeTimeViewbooleanTrueSet to False to hide the pie chart icons in the Free Time View.
WidgetDateWidth(int + )0Force Widget Date Width to this value in pixels (in case heuristics are not providing the correct value). Set to 0 (default value) to ignore this setting.

Display Fonts

Preference Name Type Default Description
DayViewBannerFontfontArial_bold_24This font is used for the date banner in the Day View
DayPlusViewBannerFont font Arial-Bold-18 This font is used for the date banner in the Day+ view.
DefaultReferenceFont font Arial-Plain-20 This font is what Pimlical considers to be the "default font" - if set on an item, it will be overridden by the current view's default font (except the style attribute which will be maintained).
NoteFont font Arial-Plain-18 The default text size for display of Note in Edit Dialog and memo text etc.
MonthHeaderFont font Arial-Bold-28 The default text size for Pimlical's display of the Month Headers
ListHeaderFont font Arial-BoldItalic-24 The default text size for Pimlical's display of the Date headers in the List View
DayViewFont font Arial-Plain-20 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the Day View only
MultiDayViewFont font Arial-Plain-18 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the MultiDay View only
WeekViewFont font Arial-Plain-18 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the Week View only
MonthViewFont font Arial-Plain-16 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the Month View only
MultiMonthViewFont font Arial-Plain-18 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the MultiMonth View only
WeekViewDayScreenFont font Arial-Bold-20 Font to use for displaying Date Header in the Weekly View
MonthViewDayScreenFont font Arial-Plain-20 Font to use for displaying days of month numbers in month and Multi-Month Views
ListViewFont font Arial-Plain-20 The default text size for Pimlical's display for text in the List View only
DetailsScreenFont font Arial-Plain-24 Default font to use in the Details dialog
TimeScreenFont font Arial-Bold-20 Font to use for displaying time fields in day/multi-day views on screen
DescriptionFont font Arial-Bold-14 Default font to use in the Description field of the main Edit Dialog
DialogFont font Arial-Plain-11 Default font to use in other dialogs which display the text of items
ListOfFontSizes string 10|12|13|14|16..... List of available font sizes in Pimlical Android matches Pimlical/Desktop but scales to appropriate size on Most Android devices.
EventListTimeFont font Arial-Bold-16 Font for time field in Event Selection List
EventListDescriptionFont font Arial-Bold-20 Font for description field in Event Selection List
DatePickerFont font Arial-Bold-16 Sets default font/size for Date Picker (Android font metrics are very inaccurate so tweak this value downwards if day values are getting truncated)
TimePickerFont font Arial-Bold-16 Sets default font/size for Time Picker (Android font metrics are sometimes inaccurate so tweak this value downwards if hour values are getting truncated)
DisplayTemplateScaleFactor int 100 Adjust all font sizes in display template by this percentage. If low-rez screen, try 50 (50%) - for ultra-hi-rez screens try 200 or more.
CommandBarFont font Arial-Bold-14 Font for characters in Command bar - 15 or even 16 may work on some Android phones.
WidgetFontSize(int)12Font Size for characters in the description area of events in the widget
FreeTimeViewFont fontArial-Plain-48Default font to use in the Free Time View (The bold version is used in the current month, so this should be the plain version).

Alarm Related

Preference Name Type Default Description
ApplyAlarmPresetToApptsBooleanfalseIf true, an alarm preset is applied to every newly created appointment, using the ApptAlarmPreset value
ApptAlarmPreset duration 0s The preset for the primary alarm expressed as a duration string (such as 30m or 4d 8h). Negative value means BEFORE (normal case) and positive value means AFTER.
ApplySecondaryAlarmPresetToAppts boolean false If true, a secondary alarm preset is applied to every appointment, using the ApptSecondaryAlarmPreset value
ApptSecondaryAlarmPreset duration 0s The preset for the secondary alarm expressed as a duration string (such as 30m or 4d 8h).
ApplyAlarmPresetToFloats boolean false If true, an alarm preset is applied to every Floating event, using the FloatAlarmPreset value
FloatAlarmPreset duration 0s The preset for the primary alarm expressed as a duration string (such as 30m or 4d 8h).
ApplySecondaryAlarmPresetToFloats boolean false If true, an alarm preset is applied to every Floating event, using the FloatSecondaryAlarmPreset value
FloatSecondaryAlarmPreset duration 0s The preset for the secondary alarm expressed as a duration string (such as 30m or 4d 8h).
AlarmSoundRepeatCountint +100000Full Page Alarm Dialog: Indicates the number of additional times the alarm sequence will be repeated if not acknowledged (default value of 100,000 means it effectively repeats forever). When exhausted, the Pimlical Alarm notification will still be left in the Android notification area to show that an alarm had triggered and that can be invoked to manage the alarms that went off at a later time.
AlarmSoundRepeatInterval duration + 10m Full Page Alarm Dialog: Indicates how much time should pass between repeating the alarm if the alarm is not acknowledged (sets up auto snooze if/when display times out from SecondsToSnooze preference). Make CERTAIN that this value is greater than the preference SecondsToAutoSnooze preference as both preferences are timed from when the alarm triggers).
AlarmSoundPlayTimesCount int + 5 Full Page Alarm Dialog: Indicates how many consecutive times the alarm sound should be played. A value of zero indicates the alarm will be silent.
AlarmDefaultSound ringtone Full Page Alarm Dialog: The default alarm sound for appointments
AlarmFloatDefaultSound ringtone The default alarm sound for Floating events/TasksFull Page Alarm Dialog:
AlarmSnoozeDefaultSound ringtone Full Page Alarm Dialog: The default alarm sound to play when a snoozed event triggers (or if multiple alarms, when all are snoozed)
AlarmSnoozeButton1 duration + 10m The first alarm button - appears in the Snooze dialog
AlarmSnoozeButton2 duration + 20m The second alarm button - appears in the Snooze dialog
AlarmSnoozeButton3 duration + 30m The third alarm button - appears in the Snooze dialog
AlarmSnoozeButton4 duration + 1h The fourth alarm button - appears in the Snooze dialog
AlarmSnoozeButton5duration + 5mThe fifth alarm button - appears in Alarm dialog
SnoozeStrings durationlist 5m|10m|20m|..... The list of durations to display in the popup list when snoozing an event.
HideAlarmsMoreThanXDaysOut int 0-9999 90 Ignore any alarms set more than this number of days in the future.
UntimedAlarmTime time 540 Time at which untimed alarms are to go off (If editing preference file with a text editor, 0 = midnight, otherwise value is in minutes, 540=9am).
SpeakAlarms boolean false Full Page Alarm Dialog: Set to true to have Pimlical speak out all alarm descriptions before sounding alarm sound (Only applicable when Pimlical is handling alarms directly and Android device supports Google Voice).
VibrateOnAlarm boolean false Full Page Alarm Dialog: Set to true to have Pimlical vibrate while alarm is sounding (Android may not permit if device locked).
VibrationDurationint + 0Full Page Alarm Dialog: If zero, device vibrates on and off until alarm is silenced or alarm dismissed/snoozed. If non-zero, device vibrates continuously for this specified number of seconds
PitchForSpeakingAlarm int 1-1000 100 Pitch for speaking alarm, 100 = 100%, 50 = 50% or 1/2 the normal pitch
SpeedForSpeakingAlarm int 1-1000 100 Speed for speaking alarm, 100 = 100%, 50 = 50% or 1/2 the normal speaking speed (slowing down the speaking rate may make it more intelligible)
AlarmPreamble string Calendar Alarm What text is spoken before a spoken calendar alarm goes off.
PimlicalAlarmHandling stringlist local All = Pimlical will set alarms for items in both the local and the Android calendar database (you would need to shut off alarm handling in the native Android calendar app to avoid duplication), local = Pimlical only sets alarms for items in the local Pimlical calendar database, none = Pimlical does not set any alarms (but alarms will still sound for items in the Android calendar if they are enabled there).
UnlockScreenOnAlarm boolean true Default is to unlock the screen when an alarm goes off. Switch this to false, and the lockscreen will pop upfirst. Note: some Android devices do not properly implement the Android OS feature that allows this to work.
SecondsToAutoSnooze duration + 2m DFull Page Alarm Dialog: etermines how long the alarm dialog is displayed before being automatically dismissed (a value of 0 means the alarm dialog is never dismissed but this might also mean that subsequent alarms will not be displayed). This value MUST be smaller than the preference AlarmSoundRepeatInterval as both preferences are measured from the time the alarm triggers.
IgnoreAlarmsOnHiddenItems boolean false Set to TRUE to ignore the alarms on items that are specifically hidden because all categories assigned to the item are not selected for display.
UseRingtoneVolumeForAlarms boolean false If there is no ALARM Volume setting on your device (for example, Samsung Galaxy S3/4), set this to TRUE to use the Ringtone Volume setting instead.
NoAlarmsOnTheseCategories ApptCategory   List of categories for which there are no alarms (default is all categories/calendars have alarms).
MaxDisplayedUpcomingAlarms (int+) 50 Maximum # of upcoming alarms to display in the list of upcoming alarms (if you pick a larger value, it will take longer to build the list).
ReleaseWakeLockOnAlarmComplete(boolean)false Some Android devices will not autosnooze when the screen powers off, so P/A leaves the wake lock set to keep the device awake until it autosnoozes or user manually dismisses/snoozes alarm. You can set this to True to reduce battery usage if your device is not one of those devices.
PlayNotificationSound(boolean)trueSet to false to avoid playing the notification sound on alarms
UseNotificationWhenAlarmTriggers(boolean)falseOn all Android OS PRIOR to Android 10 you can optionally use the Android notification system when an alarm triggers by setting this preference to True (notification then displays the Alarm and Snooze Dialogs).For Android-10, this preference should be set to False if you are using the full-screen Alarm dialog. This preference should be set to the same value as the preference: AlwaysShowNotificationForAlarm.
AlarmLEDColor(color)0,0,255Color for LED status light when alarm notification is posted (Note: Not all Android devices will support this option). Default is blue.
AutoSnoozeDuringPhoneCallbooleanfalseSet to TRUE to automatically snooze any alarms that trigger during a telephone call. (NOte: Android-12 appears to no longer permit Apps to determine status of telephone).
AlarmsIgnoreDoNotDisturbbooleanfalseSet to TRUE to have Pimlical's alarms ignore the DO NOT DISTURB setting and sound/vibrate anyway...(note that the Android DND feature to allow "Alarms" is obeyed by Pimlical unless you are using the RingTone volume to set the Alarm volume via the UseRingtoneVolumeForAlarms preference).
UseAlarmClockForAlarmsbooleantrueSet to False to use the older RTC Clock alarm (less reliable, but does not generate Alarm icon in status bar).
UseInsistentAlarmForNotificationbooleantrue(Using Notifications For Alarms) True to allow persistent notification sound for Alarms. Set to false to just have a single ding sound for notification (Android 10).
InsistentAlarmNotificationDuration(int _ )20(Using Notifications For Alarms) Duration to use for the insistent alarm in seconds (Android 10)
InsistentAlarmSnoozeDuration(duration + )10m(Using Notifications For Alarms) Time to snooze the notification alarm to. (Android 10)
MaximumAlarmNotifications(int + )5(Using Notifications For Alarms) Maximum number of times to snooze alarm notifications (Android 10). Setting this to zero will disable autosnoo
AlwaysShowNotificationForAlarm (boolean)true(Using Notifications For Alarms) Set to True if you always want to see notifications when alarm triggers. if False, Pimlical will display the full screen Alarm dialog. Note that you must grant Pimlical special permission (Android System Settings) to display over other Apps in order to bring up the full-screen display when its not in the foreground! Also, this preference should be set to the same value as UseNotificationWhenAlarmTriggers.
ShowAllFutureAlarmsForFloats (boolean)trueSet to False to only show the next occurrence of an alarm on a floating event (default of True displays all future occurrences assuming status remains Normal.
CustomNotificationSound (ringtone)(Using Notifications For Alarms) The notification sound to use for custom notification sounds (event has the Action Tag: CustomNotificationSound - Android-10 and later only).
SnoozeNotificationSound (ringtone)(Using Notifications For Alarms) The notification sound to use for snoozed notification sounds (Android-10 and later only).
ApptNotificationSound (ringtone)(Using Notifications For Alarms) The notification sound to use for Appointment (and float/tasks if FloatNotificationSOund not set) notification sounds (Android-10 and later only).
FloatNotificationSound (ringtone)(Using Notifications For Alarms) The notification sound to use for Floating Events and Tasks (Android-10 and later only)

Appt/Float Settings

Preference Name Type Default Description
DefaultLocation String   Sets a default location value that will be applied to all newly-created items
DefaultApptDuration duration + 1h Sets the default duration for appointments
DefaultApptCategory ApptCategory Unfiled Sets the default category (Android Calendar) in which all newly created appointments should be placed. REMEMBER TO PREFIX ANDROID CALENDAR NAME WITH 'A_' !
DefaultApptPriority int 1-10 10 Sets the default priority level for all newly created appointments. A value of 10 means "No Priority"
DefaultApptUrgency char ABCD[ [ Sets the default urgency level for all newly created appointments. A value of [ means "No Urgency"
DefaultApptType recordtype Busy Sets the default appointment type for all newly created appointments
DefaultApptStatus recordstatus Normal Sets the default status type for all newly created appointments
DefaultFloatDuration duration + 10m Sets the default duration for floats/tasks, in minutes
DefaultFloatCategory ApptCategory Unfiled Sets the default category (Android Calendar) in which all newly created floats/tasks should be placed. REMEMBER TO PREFIX ANDROID CALENDAR NAME WITH 'A_' !
DefaultFloatPriority int 1-10 5 Sets the default priority level for all newly created floats/tasks. A value of 10 means "No Priority"
DefaultFloatUrgency char ABCD[ [ Sets the default urgency level for all newly created floats/tasks. A value of [ means "No Urgency"
DefaultFloatType recordtype Busy Sets the default appointment type for all newly created floats/tasks
DefaultFloatStatus recordstatus Normal Sets the default status type for all newly created floats/tasks
DefaultTaskCategory TaskCategory Unfiled Default category (Android Calendar) for Task Creation. REMEMBER TO PREFIX ANDROID CALENDAR NAME WITH 'A_' !
DefaultAdvanceForTasks int 0-10000 0 Default Advance setting in days for tasks created in Pimlical. A value of 10,000 (maximum value) is about 28 years which basically will advance all Tasks).
PutAdvanceInDifferentCategory ApptCategory If this preference is blank, advances are put in the same category as the target event. Otherwise, you can force advances into one or more separate categories.
FloatTaskDueDate stringslist undated
 Undated = all floats/tasks have no due date set; default = No Due date if created on today's date, otherwise Due date is set; dated = all floats/tasks created with explicit due date.

Commands and Functions

Preference Name Type Default Description
AlwaysShowNewDayBooleanfalseIf true, when the date of an item is changed in the Details dialog, the view, on return will be adjusted to ensure that this item is still displayed (useful for confirming that you moved it to where you expected, but annoying if you regularly move large numbers of individual items)
MultipleCategorySelection boolean false If true, you can assign more than one category to an appointment. When using a foreign database that does not support this capability (such as the Palm OS database) set this preference ot false so this restricts Pimlical to just assigning one category at a time.
WarnOnDelete boolean true If false, do not warn the user when deleting items
PutDeletedRecordsInHistoryDB boolean false if True, deleted records are automatically put into the history database when they are purged (future)
ArchiveDeletedRecords boolean true If true, deleted records will be archived. Archive status is a potential feature of the foreign database that Pimlical is using to get its data from, so this feature exists in case that database is subsequently purged in that application.
PopupListCommandsForEvent stringslistDisplay Details| Duplicate Item|..... Select from one to all of these commands to appear when you do a long press in the Event Selection List. Tap Up/Down in selection list to select one item and move it up or down. At least two items must be selected to press the OK button.
PopupListCommandsForMultiSelectstringslist(large list)Select from one to all of these commands to appear when you do a long press in the Event Selection List AND multiple items are selected. Tap Up/Down in selection list to select one item and move it up or down. At least two items must be selected to press the OK button.
DoubleClickOnApptOpensDetails boolean false Change to true to have the Details dialog appear (false causes Edit Dialog to appear) when you long press on a selected item in the Day or Day+ views.
SetZeroDurationIfCanceled boolean false If true, items that are canceled will also be set to a zero duration (so they no longer block out any time in the display).
LogCompletion boolean false Set to True to log completion of floats & Tasks into a Daily Journal
AlwaysSelectAllOccurrences boolean true When editing a repeat item, Set this to true to default to selecting All Occurrences. Set to false to default to Just This Occurrence
ShowSoftInputKeyboard int 0-3 1 Determines whether soft input keyboard is automatically displayed in a dialog that has an edit field: 0=never, 1=sometimes, 2=always, 3=Ignore. 1 (Sometimes) will show the soft input keyboard in the Edit dialog on creating a new event, but not editing an existing event. Ignore avoids having Pimlical change the keyboard state automatically
MenuCommandsAndOrder stringslistGo To|Views|Filters| Voice|Toggle Untimed|Find|...... Select from one to all of these menu items to appear when you do press the menu button. Tap Up/Down in selection list to select one item and move it up or down. At least two items must be selected to press the OK button.. You will need to exit Pimlical with long press on back button and relaunch Pimlical in order to see the changes to the menu.
AlternateSelectionInterface boolean false If set to true, uses a different selection interface( Short tap edits item if item tapped, otherwise displays event Selection List; long tap does popup Command functions on selected item, else brings up event selection list). Some users with larger screens where selection is less of an issue may find this preferable.
AllowSwipeToChangeFontSize boolean true Set this to false if you want to disable this feature. If false, the region for scrolling the screen then extends to the right margin.
ShowCustomFieldsInDialogs boolean false Set to true to always display custom fields in the Edit/Find Dialogs (if an event has explicit custom fields, then the fields are shown anyway).
NumberOfMenuRows integer 2 Set number of menu Rows to display in first menu list. If you set it to say 20 it will display all menu items when the menu button is pressed. Put a minus sign in front of the number of rows to put the menu icon on the left rather than above the text.
MenuButtonTextSize integer 0 Size of text in main menu. A value of 0 uses the default menu text size, otherwise a non-zero value sets the text size. Change this if the menu text size on your Android device is too large or too small for your taste.
ShowCommandBar boolean true Set to false to hide the command bar (you can still use swipe gestures to navigate!)
CommandBarViewButton0 stringslist Pr - Previous Day/Week/Month|Ne - Next Day/Week/Month|Cr - Create New Event|Fl - Create New Floating Event|Tk - Create New Task|Fi - Find|L - List View|T+ - Today/Day View|D - Day View|D# - DayPlus View|W - Week View|M - Month View|M# - MonthPlus View|C - Contacts|N - Notes/Memos|J - Journal|Q - Quick Entry Templates|F - Filters|V1 - View Filter #1|V2 - View Filter #2|V3 - View Filter #3|V4 - View Filter #4|F1 - Find Filter #1|F2 - Find Filter #2|F3 - Find Filter #3|F4 - Find Filter #4|Me - Main Menu|Hide Select Action for this Command Bar View button or use 'Hide' to hide the button
CommandBarViewButton1 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton2 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton3 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton4 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton5 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton6 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
CommandBarViewButton7 stringslist Select Action for this Command Bar View button
UserDefinedGestureTLBR stringslist Select Action for this user defined Diagonal gesture. TLBR = T-op L-eft TO B-ottom R-ight
UserDefinedGestureTRBL stringslist Select Action for this user defined Diagonal gesture. TRBL = T-op R-ight TO B-ottom L-eft
UserDefinedGestureBLTR stringslist Select Action for this user defined Diagonal gesture. BLTR = B-ottom L-eft TO T-op R-ight
UserDefinedGestureBRTL stringslist Select Action for this user defined Diagonal gesture. BRTL = B-ottom R-ight To T-op L-eft
FilterNamesForCommandBar String Default Specifies up to FOUR filter names separated by commas to use with the eight commands (F1 - View Filter #1, F2 - View Filter #2 etc.).
TemplateNamesForCommandBarStringSpecifies up to FOUR Template names separated by commas to use with the four commands (T1 - Invoke Template #1, T2 - Invoke Template #2...) etc.).
UseTemplateButtonInWidgetBooleanfalseSet to true to display the quick entry template button in Widget.
HideAllWidgetButtonsBooleanfalseSet to True to hide all the top row buttons in the Widget.
EditDialogQuickReturnBooleanfalseSet to true to quickly return to the main view on Ok/Cancel in Edit dialog, bypassing the normal return to the Event Selection List. If set to true, this also returns to the main view after executing a popup command on an item in the event selection list (such as deleting an item). And it also applies to the Find function and other selection lists (view upcoming alarms, etc.).
LockDueStartDateOnTasksBooleantrueSet to false to unlink the due date and start date on tasks - if true, the due date and start date are always forced to the same value.
DaysToShiftBy0Days to shift by in list/day+/Weekly views, with 0 disabling this feature. moves by # of days in view, or weeks if more than one week.
MaxLinesForNoteDisplay4Maximum number of lines for the display of the Note field in the Edit Dialog
HidePriorityOnAppts     BooleantrueTrue to hide the priority field in the EDIT Dialog when handling appointments
HideUrgencyOnAppts    BooleantrueTrue to hide the urgency field in the EDIT Dialog when handling appointments
HideApptTypeOnAppts    BooleanfalseTrue to hide the Appointment type field in the EDIT Dialog when handling appointments
HidePriorityOnFloats    BooleanfalseTrue to hide the priority field in the EDIT Dialog when handling Floating events or Tasks
HideUrgencyOnFloats    BooleanfalseTrue to hide the urgency field in the EDIT Dialog when handling Floating events or Tasks
HideApptTypeOnFloatsBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Appointment type field in the EDIT Dialog when handling Floating events
RecentUpdatesCutoff30dNormal cutoff for the display of recently updated/accessed items (contacts, calendar items, etc.) (default = 30 days). In Contacts screen, note that a Long Press on the REC. button includes all days.
HideIconFieldInEditDialogBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Icon field in the EDIT Dialog
HideGroupFieldInEditDialogBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Group field in the EDIT Dialog
HideMeetingFieldInEditDialogBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Meeting field in the EDIT Dialog
HideCustomAlarmFieldInEditDialogBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Custom Alarm field in the EDIT Dialog
HideFontFieldInEditDialogBooleanfalseTrue to hide the Font field in the EDIT Dialog
IgnoreUniqueLocationsBooleanfalseSet to True to ignore unique location names when building location list.
LastNonDefaultFilterNameStringDefaultLast non-default filter name seen - normally this is maintained by Pimlical when switching to a filter other than the Default filter and not set by the user.
UseFileNavigatorForImagesBooleanFalseSet to True to use a File Navigator dialog to select images, rather than an image picker with your default Image App for selecting images.
AndroidDeletesToUndeleteBooleanfalseSet to True to put deleted Android calendar items in the local calendar as deleted (So you can Undelete them later on).

Date/Time Items

Preference Name Type Default Description
DayStartMinute time 540 Set the starting time for the day. Unless all time slots are being displayed, the first time slot to be displayed on the day will be the earlier of either this time, or the first appointment on the day.
DayEndMinute time 1020 Set the ending time for the day. Unless all time slots are being displayed, the last time slot to be displayed on the day will be the later of either this time, or the last appointment on the day.
FirstWeekOfThisYear date If a date is set, this determines the first week of the Current year as used to compute custom week numbers for display.
FirstWeekOfNextYear date If a date is set, this determines the first week of the Next year as used to compute custom week numbers for display.
AdvanceFloatingEventsTime time 120 Set to exactly 12:00a (00:00) to avoid advancing floating events. Any other time will cause floating events to be advanced on the first occasion that Pimlical runs in the new day (the specific time is not relevant). In most cases, either Pimlical Desktop OR Pimlical/Android should be set to advance floating events, but not both.
DisplayWeekNumbers boolean true If true, week numbers are displayed along with the month selection panel
HomeTimeZone timezone Defines the home time zone. Items which have no explicit timezone assigned to them are assumed to be in this timezone
CurrentTimeZone timezone Home Timezone Defines the current time zone. As a person moves from one timezone to another, this is the preference setting that gets changed. Be sure to set the preference AutoSetTimeZoneFromPhone to false if you want to change this setting manually!
CreateTimeZone timezone Home Timezone Defines the default timezone in which new items will be created. Normally this is the same as the current time zone but can be set to a different, explicit value. Be sure to set the preference AutoSetTimeZoneFromPhone to false if you want to change this setting manually!
StartOfWeek dayofweek 0 Defines the starting day of the week to be used throughout Pimlical with the sole exception of the 7-day display in the Multi-Day view.
WeekViewStartOfWeek dayofweek 1 Defines the starting day of the week to be used in the 7-day display in the Multi-Day View only.
IncludePmIndicator boolean true When true, the US style Am/Pm indicator is used for times.
TwelveHourClock boolean true When true, times are displayed on a standard US style 12 hour clock (otherwise world-wide 24 hr standard is used
TimeSeparatorString char :./|;- : , The character to use to separate the components of a time (i.e. hour | minute | second)
DateSeparatorString char :./|;- / , The character to use to separate the components of a date (i.e. day | month | year )
LetterForWeek char a-z w the letter to use for a weeks (when displaying a duration value);
LetterForDay char a-z d the Letter to use for a day (when displaying a duration value)
LetterForHour char a-z h the Letter to use for an hour (when displaying a duration value)
LetterForMinute char a-z m the Letter to use for a minute (when displaying a duration value)
LetterForSecond char a-z s the Letter to use for a second(when displaying a duration value)
DateOrder stringlist mdy The order in which dates should be displayed (mdy is US default, dmy ymd are general defaults in rest of the world, iso = ISO standard for date formats)
DefaultIsUntimedAdvances boolean true If true, advances on events are generated as untimed events (if false advances are generated with the same time as their target event.
MultiDayViewAlternateTimezone timezone All Timezones Timezone to use for the display of the background times in all columns of the Day+ View (All Timezones will always display the same time, while Home Timezone would display your home time zone in the background while displaying your current timezone in the leftmost column).
UsePimlicalDateTimePicker boolean true Set to false to use the standard Android Date and Time Pickers
UseAlternateTimePickerBooleantrueSet to false to use the original Pimlical Time Picker which matched more closely how Pimlical/Android's predecessor used to work. If True, overrides the preference UsePimlicalDateTimePicker vis-a-vis setting times.....
AltTimePickerAutoCloseBooleantrueSet to false if you want the alternate Time Picker dialog to stay open when the last digit is typed (only an issue if you use a 12-hour clock and like to tap Am/Pm button after entering the digits).
AutoSetTimeZoneFromPhone boolean true Set to false to always manually set the current & Create timezones. Useful if you have a device that does not present the current timezone in the proper Olson database format.


Preference Name Type Default Description
DefaultBackgroundColor color 255,255,255 Default background color to use in all views. Default value is white.
DayViewShadeColor color 240,240,240 Color to use to shade appointments in the Day and Multi-Day Views
TimeSlotBackgroundColor color 225, 255, 225 Color to use for background of timeslots in day and day+ views - default is a very light green.
TodayColor color 255,255,225 The color to shade the background for Today with (default is light-beige)
ViewSeparatorLineColorcolor0,0,0The color to use for drawing the separator lines in the week and monthly views
MonthNumberColorcolor0,0,0Color to draw the days of the month in the Month and Month+ views
TodayMonthNumberColorcolor160,0,0Color to draw the days of the month when the day number = today in Month and Month+ views.
ListViewHeaderBackground color 255,255,225 Background color for date headers in list view.
ListViewHeaderForeground color 160,0,0 Foreground color for date headers in list view.
MultiDayViewTimeColor color 192,192,192 Sets the color to be used in the multi-day view on blank time lines in columns other than the first column. Set a value of 0,0,0 to avoid drawing the times alltogether
OtherMonthBackgroundColor color 180,180,180 Sets the color background to be used for months outside of the current month
ShadedDatesColorcolor240,255,240Default color to use for the ShadedDates preference (previously this was specified in hexadecimal as part of the ShadedDates Preference
PastDaysColorcolor255,255,255Default color to use for background of past Days (i.e. days prior to today) in calendar views.
ReverseHeaderColor color 180,90,90 Sets the background color used to draw the week number or Month name in the Week and Month+ Views - text will be drawn in white if all three components are less than 190, otherwise text is drawn in black
UseGoogleCalendarColors boolean true Set this to false to ignore Google Calendar colors and use Pimlical's category color scheme
UseWhiteTextInWidgetBooleanfalseSet this to true to use white text in the widget (default is black).
WidgetUsesEventCategoryColorsBooleantrueSet to TRUE to use the event colors in the widget display.
ForeColor1 color 0,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor2 color 255,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor3 color 0,255,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor4 color 0,0,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor5 color 192,192,192 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor6 color 235,235,235 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor7 color 255,255,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor8 color 255,255,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor9 color 128,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor10 color 255,140,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor11 color 0,255,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor12 color 139,69,20 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor13 color 255,20,150 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor14 color 0,155,155 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor15 color 0,0,155 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
ForeColor16 color 128,0,128 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor1 color 255,255,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor2 color 0,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor3 color 255,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor4 color 0,255,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor5 color 0,0,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor6 color 255,255,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor7 color 235,235,235 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor8 color 0,255,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor9 color 128,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor10 color 255,140,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor11 color 0,255,255 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor12 color 139,69,20 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor13 color 255,20,150 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor14 color 0,155,155 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor15 color 0,0,155 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette
BackColor16 color 128,0,128 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color at this position in the color palette


Preference Name Type Default Description
MemoSort stringlist alphanumeric-
The order in which memos should be displayed: alphanumeric,  category display or date in either ascending or descending order. For the date sort: descending order (date = newest memo at top) or ascending order (date-ascending = oldest memo at top).
MemoTextLines int 3 Number of text lines to display in memo view
MemoTitleFont font Arial-Bold-18 Default font for the title in the memo Selection list
MemoTitleColor color 0,0,128 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color of memo titles in the Memo Selection List (unprotected memo)
MemoProtectedTitleColor color 128,0,0 Red, Green and Blue component values for the color of memo titles in the Memo Selection List for protected memos
MemoTextFont font Arial-Plain-12 Default font for the text displayed in the memo selection list
MemoCategoryFont font Arial-Plain-10 Default font for displaying the category name and date in the memo selection list
MemoEditFont font Arial-Plain-16 Default font for displaying text in the memo edit dialog
DefaultMemoCategory string Unfiled Default category to put memos in
MemosStartupViewstringlistAllSets default startup view for memos (All, Favorites or Recent)
BackupLocalMemosInt1Number of days between backing up local memos database if there is a local memos database and it was accessed (1 = daily, 2 = every other day, etc.). Set to 0 to avoid backing up local memos database completely.


Preference Name Type Default Description
ContactSort stringlistLast Name Ascending
The order in which contacts should be displayed. The sort can be in ascending or descending order by first name, last name or company name.
DefaultContactsCategory String Unfiled Default category to put contacts in.
ContactPhotoEditSize integer 180 Size in pixels for the contact photo in the Edit dialog
ContactPhotoListSize integer 120 Size in pixels for the contact photo in the contacts list
BackupLocalContacts integer 1 Number of days between backing up Local Contacts database if there is a local contacts database and it was accessed (1 = daily, 2 = every other day, etc.). Set to 0 to avoid backing up local contacts database completely
ContactsViewNoteFont font Arial-Plain-14 Default font for displaying the text of the note field in the Contacts View Dialog
AlwaysShowCompanyName boolean true Set to false to hide the company name on first/last name sorts.
ContactPictureDisplay stringlist always|
only if present|
Contact picture is either ALWAYS displayed, displayed ONLY IF PRESENT, or is NEVER displayed in the Contact Selection List and also the View dialog. It is always displayed in the Edit dialog
ContactStartupView stringlist All|Favorites|Recent Sets default startup view for contacts (default is Favorite contacts)
SetNumbersOnlyOnZip boolean false Set to true to only allow numbers in zip codes (US Style) - this presets numeric keyboard when field is entered
HideAddressInContactsList boolean false Set to true to hide the address field in the contacts list display. If you set this to true, you may also want to reduce the pixel size or hide the contact Image.
SortByCompanyNameIfNameBlankbooleanfalseSet to True to sort company names inline with first/last name sort if first/last name is blank. Set to False to sort blank names last.
BlankPrimaryKeySortsFirstbooleanfalseSet to TRUE to sort contacts with blank primary keys BEFORE contacts that have an explicit primary key.
SkipUniqueCustomLabelsbooleanfalseSet to TRUE to skip custom labels that were only used once in the database (reduces size of the pick list for labels).
DefaultPreferredPhoneLabelStringSet default for the preferred Phone Label
DefaultPreferredAddressLabelStringSet default for the preferred Address Label

System Settings

Preference Name Type Default Description
GoogleRefreshInterval int 0 Refresh interval for re-reading Google/Android Calendar (on next screen redraw) in seconds (for example 900 = 15 minutes). Set this to 0 to turn off the automatic refresh completely. Avoid problem values like 5 seconds as that won't work well.
GenerateTagsForExceptions boolean true Android only handles one ExDate command, so Pimlical has to put any additional exception dates in a tag if true. When this bug is fixed in Android, this can be set back to false.
UseGoogleExtendedProperties boolean false (Note: this preference is always considered false as there is no support yet for extended properties in Android). If true, Pimlical will use Google's extended properties to preserve special items. If false, tags are created in the note field (Google's 'description' field). If other programs are accessing and updating Google Calendar, it's possible they may trash or not properly preserve the extended proprties field, in which case it's safer to set this to false and have the properties saved in the note field.
IgnoreTentativeStatusInGC boolean true Some updates of GC (such as from Android devices) mark everything as Tentative (!), so you can set this preference to true to avoid having that happen.
RegisteredUserName string PimlicalUser Set your registered name in Pimlical/Desktop here if you sync with the desktop, so that Pimlical knows you are the same person who is using the desktop version (helps avoid unnecessary creator tags).
DebugMode boolean false When set to true, several debug routines are enabled in Pimlical. Some may impact performance to a slight degree, but if you are experiencing some unusual problems, turning on Debug mode may enable a test which will show why a problem is occurring. Turning on Debug mode also enables Crash Reporting where a stack trace of where any crashes that occur are sent to Pimlico for analysis. The only item other than the stack trace that is sent includes Android version, Android device model, P/A version and primary email address of user (so crash report can be linked to a user). No personal data is sent.
DaysBackToRead int -1 The Number of days to go back for reading events on Android calendars only. Non-recurring events more than this number of days old (or recurring events that end before this number of days in the past) will not be displayed - this will speed up the refresh significantly if you have a lot of old events. A value of -1 indicates that all non-recurring events are to be read.
MayHaveFloatingEvents boolean true An internal flag maintained by Pimlical to determine if there are any floating events in the database. If false, there is no point in scanning the database for them. If true, there MIGHT be some floating events, so the database should be scanned (but a setting of true does not GUARANTEE that there are some floating events present).
FloatAdvanceSetsDirtyFlag boolean false If false, the dirty flag is not set by Pimlical when advancing floating events in a local database. Depending on the foreign database being used, this allows control over how the synching strategy on that database operates. This preference has no affect if the item is in an Android calendar, syncing with google. If you are using DirectSync, set this preference to TRUE on both platforms. If syncing through Google, typically, this would only be set on the one platform that is updating Google calendar.
LastFloatingUpdate date 20071214T183004Z Remembers the date on which the last floating update was performed (this is only used in standalone mode and normally managed by Pimlical).
NumberOfBackups int 0-10 5 specifies how many backup copies are to be retained of the various databases that Pimlical modifies
WeeklyMonthlyBackups stringlist weekly
weekly & monthly
Takes weekly and/or monthly backups of all PIM databases and system files so you have an older version to go back to if needed. Weekly = weekly only, monthly = monthly only, weekly&monthly = weekly and monthly, neither = no weekly nor monthly backup.
MaintainAuditTrail boolean false If True (default setting) an audit trail of every change to the calendar and tasks databases is maintained in PimlicalAuditTrail.txt file
AuditDescriptionLength int 40 Always truncate description/note/location field of record to be no longer than this number of characters (use a very large value to always include the entire description).
CurrencyDelimiter string . Currency delimiter to use in export function (4.25 etc.)
RepeatTasksHaveNoExceptionList boolean true set false if they do have exceptions list.
LastPurgeOfDeletedRecords date 20090101T000000Z Remembers the date on which deleted records were last removed from the PIM databases (this is only used in standalone mode, and normally managed by pimlical).
CheckForNewSoftwareRelease int + 14 Check for new software release every number of days specified here. Set to 0 to completely disable this feature.
ShowHelpOnStartup boolean true Set to false to avoid having Pimlical display the HELP file on startup (Pimlical automatically sets this to false after displaying the Help dialog one time).
CalendarNamesAreUnique boolean true Set to false to allow the reading of calendars with the same name. If true, calendar names, even across multiple accounts, must be unique.
NoMeetingIconIfOnlyOneAttendee boolean true Set to false to include meeting information when I am the only attendee (based upon match of primary mail account with meeting account email).
CalendarIsNotSynced boolean false Only set this to true if you never sync the Android calendar
CalendarIsNotCached boolean false Only set this to true if you are having a problem with Pimlical/Android reading the cached calendar file.
CurrentLocalCalendar string PimlicalLocalCalendar Name of the current local calendar being read by Pimlical
IgnoreAndroidCalendarTimeZone boolean false If the Android calendar has the wrong timezone and is screwing up the times of events, set this to true, and Pimlical/Android will then force the timezone to match the Home Time Zone.
SaveCreationModificationInfo boolean true Set to false if you want to avoid saving the creation date/modification date, modifier and creator info in the Android calendar database's tagged note field/extended attributes. However, setting this to false may interfere with syncing with some other calendars. If Pimlical/Desktop also syncs information to other platforms, be sure to leave this set to true as otherwise that could interfere with DirectSync to Pimlical/Android.
LocalCalendarSelected boolean false Set to true to select the local calendar - this is normally done automatically by Pimlical from the Menu | Select Calendars dialog - but you can also preset this value in different filters, etc.
HideAllAndroidCalendars boolean false Set to true if using local calendar and you don't want to see any Android calendars at all in selection list, etc.
DaysToKeepDeletedRecords int + 7 Set how long to keep deleted records in the Pimlical Local Calendar (deleted records are needed in syncing to remove corresponding record from other platform, so be sure you don't end up removing deleted records before they get synced)
BackupLocalCalendar int + 1 Number of days between backing up Local Calendar if there is a local calendar (1 = daily, 2 = every other day, etc.). Set to 0 to avoid backing up local calendar completely
IgnorePrivateEventSetting boolean false Set to TRUE to have Pimlical completely ignore the PRIVATE event setting flag in the Android database. Note that if you set this preference to TRUE and modify an event, it won't be marked as a private event when synced back to Android/Google calendar.
StartTagChar string [ Determines which character is used at the START of an embedded tag in the note field and the [xx] downcount field in floating events. Caution: use care in changing this preference. If you sync through google, it's very important that these characters match up with the same preference in Pimlical/Desktop (that also just gained these same two preference settings). If they are out of sync with each other, all that custom information can be lost and that could cause major headaches in trying to restore everything. This would only be needed in special cases where some other application was also trying to put tags in the note field and was using the same delimiting characters.
EndTagChar string ] Determines which character is used at the END of an embedded tag in the note field and the [xx] downcount field in floating events. Caution: use care in changing this preference. If you sync through google, it's very important that these characters match up with the same preference in Pimlical/Desktop (that also just gained these same two preference settings). If they are out of sync with each other, all that custom information can be lost and that could cause major headaches in trying to restore everything. This would only be needed in special cases where some other application was also trying to put tags in the note field and was using the same delimiting characters.
FastStartup boolean true Set to false to disable fast startup. There would never be a reason to set this to false unless some specific problem with the Fast Startup was suspected.
ViewType int 0-6 1 Specifies the startup view - normally maintained by Pimlical - if you change this value it's setting is not likely to be preserved. 0=preserve, 1 = Day, 2 = Day+, 3 = Week, 4 = Month, 5 = Month+, 6 = list
CustomAutoCompleteText boolean false Set to true to use a custom auto-complete text function rather than standard autocomplete Function
EnableDebugLog boolean false Set to true to enable debug logging - not recommended that Pimlical be left with this set for too long as it does cause some performance impact and the log file will get very large very quickly. Primarily for use only under advice/analysis by Pimlico Software.
JavaDefaultEncoding string Default encoding for reading Ascii Text etc. In theory, Android should use UTF-8 everywhere, but it doesn't. Setting encoding to UTF-8 may help with non-Roman languages, but may cause issues with Accented characters entered in different encodings. If left blank, the default encoding for the operating system is used. The value here should match any platform you sync Pimlical to.
CurrentPimlicalVersion string   Set to current version on startup - may be used to insert new menu functions/features when upgrading version - normally just for information
HttpAddressesForSyncStringHttp Network address(es) of your PC running P/D to use for DirectSync. Enter a value like You can have multiple Http adddresses separated by a comma or vertical bar. Pimlical will always move the most recent connection that worked to the top of this list.
InternetTimeoutint 100-10000005000Timeout in Milliseconds for testing to see if IP Address is reachable in DirectSync.
LastAndroidReadDateDateIntended for System use Only - remembers the last date/time on which Android native contacts were read into Pimlical local contacts
iCalendarImportCategoryApptCategoryWhen importing iCalendar events, you can specify one or more categories into which all newly imported events will be placed. Otherwise, if nothing is specified here, the item will be placed in the designationed category (if there is an iCalendar field for the category) and if not, then it will be put in the Unfiled Category.
WidgetRefreshInterval(int +)2Refresh widget interval in minutes. Widget is only refreshed while device is awake.
CurrentActiveFilter(Filter)defaultThe currently active filter when Pimlical exited - normally this is ONLY changed by the system and not something you as a user would normally change.
LongDurationForMessagesbooleanfalseSet to True to have ALL popup messages ("toasts") stay on the screen for a longer period of time. 
FingerSlipThresholdint-1Defines the threshold in pixels for inadvertently slipping finger on screen so as to discriminate between a fling or scroll and a brief tap or long press that the finger slipped while performing. Set this to -1 to allow Pimlical to pick an appropriate value for your screen size/resolution. Or you can manually set a value for this preference - the default of -1 is changed to a value that corresponds to about 1/10th of an inch (2.5mm).
Sets the path to use for AutoSync (If it begins with 'CloudRail' this supports cloud-based servers via CloudRail, otherwise it is assumed to be a valid path in the file system (possibly a networked drive, mapped WebDAV server, etc.).
AutoSyncFrequencyDuration0sSpecifies how often AutoSync runs (reasonable value might be something like 30m)
AutoSyncNameString(none)Specifies the unique Name for AutoSync - will be automatically assigned by Pimlical if left blank - but you can enter a more meaningful name (like Home Laptop).
AutoSyncThresholdDuration5mMaximum duration for AutoSync to run (after this time, the task will be killed if still running and the lock flag removed).
DisplayMessageWhenAutosyncCompletesBooleantrueSet this to false to prevent a brief 'toast' appearing at the conclusion of every AutoSync.
LocalCalendarSyncThresholdInteger10If the difference in modification date/times of two items is LESS than this threshhold value (in seconds), then the two items are considered to be identical. Normally, there would be no reason to change this value.
DirectSyncOptionsStringsListcalendar,tasksDetermines which checkboxes are checked in DirectSync, use calendar,tasks,contacts,memos to sync everything.
AutoSyncOptionsStringsListcalendar,tasksDetermines which Databases are synced in AutoSync.
AutoSyncActionStringListSynchronizeSelect default synchronization modefor AutoSync. Normal Setting is Synchronize, but on very FIRST sync, you should overwrite from good platform to the one that has no/old data.
ApptCategoriesToSyncApptCategory(All)Specifies which Appointment categories are to be synced with AutoSync and/or DirectSync.
TaskCategoriesToSyncTaskCategory(All)Specifies which Task categories are to be synced with AutoSync and/or DirectSync.
ContactCategoriesToSyncContactCategory(All)Specifies which Contact categories are to be synced with AutoSync and/or DirectSync.
MemoCategoriesToSyncMemoCategory(All)Specifies which Memo categories are to be synced with AutoSync and/or DirectSync.
LatestUpdateAlwaysPrevailsBooleantrueSet to true to automatically have the latest update made in Pimlical OR Server Calendar (Google/Drive/Dropbox, etc.) prevail if the item has been modified on both platforms. If false, updates are written to both platforms for you to manually resolve.
AutoSyncNotificationVibratesBooleanTrueSet to false to turn off vibration for the notification that AutoSync is taking place
TimeOfDayForAutoSyncTime00:00Set to a specific time of day to guarantee that an AutoSync has taken place by this time on that day. Set to midnight (12:00 or 00:00) to disable this feature.
PortNumberForNetworkSyncInteger8391Port number to use for Network Sync (DirectSync, AutoSync) - MUST MATCH the port number you have assigned for other devices using DirectSync to this device! Permitted range is 1024-49151.
ShowSyncChangesOnlyBooleantrueSet to False to show item-by-item sync comparisons (AutoSync).
DisplaySyncLogBooleanfalseSet to True to display Sync log at end of sync.
WarnOnSettingUpCategoriesBooleantrueWarning is only given once about setting up Default ApptCategory, etc. - automatically set to false after the warning has been given.